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True Self World


The Metaverse is becoming a haven of self-expression—a place where players are unafraid to live as their true, authentic selves. We created a safe space for them to do just that. With Mastercard, we brought together digital creators across the LGBTQIA+ community to create the first branded world in Horizon Worlds — made by and for the community.

Mastercard: True Self World Trailer
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Museum of our True Selves

At the heart of our world was the Museum of Our Younger Selves — an emotional exhibition where we showcased different letters sharing priceless advice from across the LGBTQIA+ community.

TikTok Partnership

The journey to accepting our true selves is different for all of us. But throughout our lives, we’ve learned just how priceless our true selves really are.


From accepting, embracing, loving, or fighting for their true selves, what advice would they give to their younger selves?

We asked TikTok Influencers from across the LGBTQIA+ community to write a letter to their former selves — before transitioning, before coming out, and before embracing their truth.

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